Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Am I Channeling Toby Keith?

Beause I'm proud to be an American right now. Not just because we have an African American president. I mean, for sure, that's cool. But as a sentient, educated human being, it is even more refreshing to listen to someone who has respect and indeed, love for the English language. As a writer and a critical thinker, the last 8 years have been painful for me. It is frightening to think how we have come to despise intellectualism in this country. It will be wonderful to once again be able to enjoy learning things for the sheer joy of knowing them. To recognize that "book learnin'" ain't so bad. To recognize that the Bible,the Qu'ran and the Torah et. al. are exceptionally crafted literature that provides not just belief systems for millions, but are intellectually challenging literature as well without being judicial document by which to govern. And when one is challenged, one gets to think and question all that is presented. With IMPUNITY! As Benjamin Franklin said: "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."